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Can I Rent a Car for Someone Else Avis

In the last few years, the concept of car sharing has begun to take hold in cities across Europe. And it's easy to understand why; car sharing affords huge benefits to cities, companies and individuals.

For car owners it means using your car less so reduced wear and tear, lower fuel bills and less outlay for tolls and parking. Companies with limited parking spaces can benefit, while car sharing can also reduce stress, improve employee punctuality and increase social interaction. Plus, the reduction of cars in cities eases congestion, pollution and the need for parking.

There is a host of car sharing options nowadays from carpooling to sharing one of a fleet of cars...

1) Carpooling
If you have spare capacity in your car, even if it's only one spare seat, then consider setting up a carpool system. It can be done as a causal agreement with another parent or work colleague or you could consider setting up a Facebook page to encourage others to get involved.

With a carpool arrangement you not only to share the load and make it easier for everyone but it reduces the stress of a daily commute or school run. Plus by putting fewer miles on your car you save your money on maintenance, fuel and repairs.


2) Renting out your car
'Peer-to-peer' car sharing works in a similar way to AirBnb. The idea is simple: the average car in in the UK sits idle 23 hours a day so, instead of leaving your car parked on the side of the road, why not lend it to a friend, neighbour or even a stranger and make some money out of it?

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There are a number of websites to choose from including Hiyacar, Drivy, EasyCar and DriveNow. There is even one, Camptoo, that connects the owners and renters of campervans and motorhomes. People who sign up for these services can rent other people's cars and list their own for rent. While many drivers won't want to give up their cars, for some people owning is simply not an option and renting someone else's makes perfect sense. It also means less congested streets, less emissions and less of a burden on public transport.


3) Hourly Car hire
Services such as Zipcar allow people the use of a car without the initial cost of ownership or paying for insurance, parking and other costs, although usually, a once-off membership fee is required.

Users can pick up and return the cars to a designated location, or you can drive it to your destination and leave it for someone else to pick up and use. Using a smartphone app you can find nearby car bookings which can be made as little as 15 minutes in advance.

Prices for a round trip start from £3/hour and £33/day and reservations include 60 free miles per day, with a day representing each 24-hour period of the booking. If you drive over the 60 miles, mileage charges will apply.

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Can I Rent a Car for Someone Else Avis
