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Are Career Fairs the Best Way to Get a Job

Career fairs can be a convenient one-stop place to meet with recruiters and land a job. However, with multiple people all vying for the attention of the recruiters who are there, it is important to stand out so you can use your time at the career fair effectively.

Whether you are attending a virtual career fair or visiting one in-person, these career fair tips can help you make a good impression. In this article, we will explain what to do, what to bring and how to make the most of your trip to a career fair.

What is a career fair?

A career fair is an event where multiple recruiters, hiring managers and employers can meet with potential employees in one convenient location. Career fairs are commonly held in schools, community centers and at job conventions. They can also be conducted online using virtual technology methods, like video chats and computer screen-sharing. No matter which type of career fair you are attending, you will want to make the most of every opportunity.

What to do at a career fair

There are several key ways you can take advantage of a career fair opportunity. Following these tips can help you make lasting impressions and secure future interviews:

Research companies that will be at the career fair

One of the most important career fair tips to keep in mind is knowing who will be there. In the weeks leading up to the career fair, start looking for a list of the companies that will be attending. Once you have this information, your first step is to create a list of the companies you know you want to speak with during the career fair. This way, even if you run out of time, you know you met with your top choices.

The other reason you want to know who will attend the career fair is so you can research the companies before you meet the representatives. Spend some time finding out the positions they have available that best meet your qualifications and skills. You can then tailor your resume and conversation to specifically match each company and make yourself stand out.

Prepare an elevator pitch

When you approach each table, you want to have something prepared to say. The recruiter will often take the lead and ask you a question. If the question is some form of, "Tell me about yourself," you should have your elevator pitch ready to go. An elevator pitch is around 30 seconds to one minute. It briefly introduces yourself and tells the recruiters the most important information they should know about you.

A few items you should have in your elevator pitch include:

  • Your full name
  • College major or current job title
  • Your career aspirations
  • Why you think you are a good fit for the job

Read more: How To Give an Elevator Pitch (With Examples)

Elevator Pitch

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The four-step elevator pitch:
1. Start by introducing yourself
2. Provide a summary of what you do
3. Explain what you want
4. Finish with a call to action

Dress appropriately

You should treat your interaction at a career fair like a massive job interview. Similar to job interviews, you will want to dress professionally and appropriately. Career fair attire can include:

  • A suit
  • Slacks or dress pants
  • Button-up shirt
  • Blazer
  • Tie
  • Dress pants or skirt
  • Dress
  • Suit jacket

You have a few other considerations to keep in mind when you are planning your career fair outfit. Since you will be on your feet for several hours walking around, look for comfortable shoes to wear. You also want a lightweight outfit. This will help you make sure you do not overheat or become uncomfortable. If you need to wear a jacket, either leave it in your car or check it when you arrive so your hands are free.

Read more: What To Wear: The Best Job Interview Attire

Create a plan

Once you arrive at the career fair, take a few minutes to survey the area and assess the layout. Make a note of where your most important booths are located so you can prioritize them. Also, note the lines at each booth. You do not want to waste time standing in line, so start with the less-crowded booths first.

If the career fair did not release a list of companies attending in advance, you can take some time to walk through the space and note the companies available.

Meet as many recruiters as possible

Although your time at a career fair is limited, you want to talk to as many recruiters as possible. Career fairs are excellent places to network and meet with people in a variety of industries. Even if you see companies on the list that do not currently have the job position you are interested in, it will not hurt to meet with them. The recruiters you meet with might know someone in the field and they can refer you to.

You never know what type of position might open with these companies. If you made a good impression, the recruiters might recall your resume when a new position becomes available.

Offer your resume

Sometimes people will wait until the end of their conversation with the recruiter to hand over their resume. However, if you wait too long, you risk the recruiter getting interrupted or moving on to someone else. Instead, offer your resume soon after meeting the recruiter. As you are speaking about yourself and highlighting the qualities that make you the right candidate for the job, hand over your resume and point out the information on it that supports your claim.

Not only will this practice draw attention to your resume and help you stand out from the other candidates the recruiter will meet throughout the day, but it also guarantees that your resume will end up in as many hands as possible.

Prepare questions to ask

Career fairs are not just an opportunity for recruiters to get to know you. They are also an opportune time to get to know the different companies. After the recruiters finish asking you a few questions, they might want to know if you have questions for them. This is the perfect time to show them you have done your research on the company and you are interested in learning more. Here are some questions you might ask the recruiter:

  • Why do you enjoy working for your company?
  • What is a typical day for a person in the position I am interested in?
  • What kind of growth do you see for the company over the next five years?
  • What are the company's culture and work environment?
  • What is the initial training like for new employees?

Read more: Interview Question: Do You Have Any Questions?

Ask for business cards

Before you leave a booth, ask for the recruiter's business card. You will meet so many representatives throughout the career fair, it will be nearly impossible for you to remember all their names. Having a business card is an important tool in your job search because it allows you to recall the recruiter's name and follow up with questions.

After you shake hands with the recruiter and leave the booth, consider taking a few seconds to jot down any important information you want to remember on the back of the business card or in a notebook. You can then use this information the next time you speak with the recruiter to make your conversation more personalized and specific.

Send thank you notes

Another reason you want to get the business card of all the recruiters you speak with is that you need their contact information for thank you notes. Just like a job interview, you want to use a follow-up email after the career fair to show your excitement about the position and communicate your gratitude for meeting with the recruiter.

Within 24 to 48 hours of the career fair, thank every recruiter you met. Even if you are not interested in working with the company you never know when you might meet the recruiter again. You want them to have nothing but positive memories of you.

Recruiters will meet with many potential candidates during the career fair, so a thank you note is one final point you can make to ensure you stand apart from everyone else. In your note, thank the recruiter for taking the time to speak with you. You can also reiterate your interest in the position and why you believe you are the ideal candidate. Look over the notes you took at the career fair to add something specific about your conversation to help trigger the recruiter's memory of you.

If you think the recruiters would appreciate a handwritten note, you can send one. However, it is also perfectly acceptable to email everyone. Just make sure you personalize each message.

Read more: Follow-Up Email Examples for After the Interview

What to bring to a career fair

Since you will want to easily make your way around the room and have your hands free for handshaking, you do not need to bring too much with you to a job fair. The following items are all you need to bring to a career fair:

  • Extra copies of your resume: To estimate how many resumes you should bring, count the number of recruiters you want to meet and double that number. As an example, if you want to meet with 10 recruiters during your career fair, plan on bringing 20 resumes.

  • Pen and paper: A pen and paper will be handy for taking notes after you speak with the recruiters.

  • Business cards: If you have your own business cards, you can bring them to hand out with your resume or to any other contacts you meet during the career fair.

  • A folder: A plain folder is a convenient place to hold your extra resumes, keep your pen and paper handy and store any business cards you receive.

Virtual career fair tips

Different types of career fairs have different requirements and may call for unique preparations. Virtual career fairs are becoming more popular since they save companies and attendees time and money. However, since you will not be meeting the recruiter in person, prepare for a virtual career fair a little differently.

If you will attend a virtual career fair, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Have a PDF copy of your resume ready to submit.
  • Prepare an elevator pitch about your skills, education and future goals.
  • Dress appropriately so you are prepared for a video interview.
  • Test your internet and video connections before the virtual career fair to make sure everything is working properly.
  • Have a spreadsheet or chart handy so you can easily keep track of each company and their contact info.
  • Send a thank you email to each of the recruiters you meet with to thank them for their time.

College career fair tips

Besides virtual career fairs, you will also want to prepare differently for a college career fair. Since college career fairs cater to students who are just starting in their careers, it is important to consider these college career fair tips:

  • Have a professional appearance. First impressions are always important. Even if the career fair is on campus, still arrive in business formal or business casual attire to show you are serious about getting the job.

  • Arrive early. Try to arrive at the career fair as early as possible so you know you will have enough time to meet with all the recruiters you want to see. You might have to leave for classes and come back later. Keep in mind that college career fairs are typically busiest around lunch.

  • Introduce yourself. When you walk up to a booth, introduce yourself to the recruiter by shaking hands and stating your name. Have your resume in hand so you are ready to hand it to the recruiter. Be prepared to talk about your academic and extracurricular experience and your career interests.

  • Respect the recruiter's materials. Some recruiters will bring large quantities of material to give away to students, while others will have just a few sample products and displays at their booths. Before you take anything, be sure to check with the recruiter first.

A career fair is an excellent way to meet with numerous recruiters and further your job search. Thanks to these helpful tips for a career fair, you now know how to prepare well so you can make the most of it.

Are Career Fairs the Best Way to Get a Job
